YELLOW LIGHT = Attention, is “tomorrows” Needs

Yellow Light are “Next Week/tomorrow” Needs

NEED 1: iPromel – Institue of Media & Leadership, Maputo, Mozambique

iPromel is Our main project. Every other projects of Foaf are together with iPromel who is our local project partner in Africa.

Here is iPromel – Institute of Med & Leadership (link:

Total budget for iPromel as Institute of Med & Leadership

Here can you see the nearest 6 months of needs for building up the raw-model of iPromel. This unique Institute will be built up under 2 years. After these 2 years will the whole concept of iPromel be copied and implemented in every country in Africa.

Please make your decision of how much you are willing to give for Our cause

Remember that for every sum you will give, you earn “GoodDeeds cash Points” that can be used to visit the projects and much more. (please see: Earn “GoodDeeds CashPoints” from FONA

Search for persons that can be a part of Our Vision

We are in search of resources that can be the Advisory Board of iPromel in Maputa, Mozambique.

Types of resuorces

To build up a whole concept of a unique school, iPromel needs special skills and experiences. If you feel that you want to be a part of this project, please contact us at:

further info will come soon.

NEED 2: Twentyfive (25) local missionaries needs to find their own “MissionSponsor”

Immediate Needs 2: 25 out of 54 MISSIONARIES needs to have their salary sponsored with 1 500 sek/ month during 2021 = total: 18 000 sek./year 

Link to project (SE): Mission: 2101A – Hållbart Socialt Förändringsledarskap

Link to project (Eng): 53 Local Missionarie53 Local Missionaries – Africas – Africa

Suggestion of Gifts/Donations: “Good Deeds made Simple”

  1. Pay for 1 Missionary: 1 500 sek/månad from March 2021 to December 2021 = 15 000 sek. (annual payments recommended for a more cheaper way of sending money to Africa ) Doing this, you have become his/her “Faith Supporter” for 2021 – 2023.

Other alternatives:

  1. Group giving: Two or more will sponsor 1 “Missionary” together under 2021. Tip: Ask your Church/Organisation if you can together donate a monthly payment under 2021.
  2. Donate 15 000 sek. one time and you have paid your “missionary” her/his salary for whole 2021.
  3. If you have a company, you can sponsoring, one or several “missionaries” during 2021.

Swish (Sverige): 070 814 89 61

Bankgiro: 102-7622

IBAN: SE10 6000 0000 0006 7567 1418,  

Swift: Handsess.

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